Saturday, October 24, 2020

Persuasive Writing

In truth and in fact, I have been persuaded many times as well as persuaded individuals. However, persuasive writing is a type of writing that I have had little exposure in and I needed some scaffolding in this area. Fortunately, after one of our sessions in LIT 102( Promoting Writing in the Primary Grades) I am at a better place. First and foremost,  I was amazed by the way my lecturer brought this topic alive. We were given the opportunity to choose a topic in groups where we listed points for or against our topic as instructed. Thereafter, we choose one point in which we elaborated on and then presented to the class. This was very meaningful for me as I got a deeper insight of how to put my pieces together incorporating various persuasive techniques for instance emotional language, exaggeration and repetition covered in class. It is my hope to transfer the experience outlined above on my return to the classroom. This strategy will definitely encourage active involvement among students and serves as a means of motivating them to write their pieces.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The First Rule of Writing- Showing Sentences



The use of showing sentences when writing a story was very useful for me. As gathered from one of our sessions, showing sentences breathe life and energy into a story. This was a revelation for me as a teacher because I am now able to add substance to my writing and create a mental image in the minds of readers. Likewise, the use of showing sentences would be very useful for my students in their writing. Most times as teachers, focus is placed on identifying elements for example setting, plot and characters. However, the challenge students usually face is inability to bring across their story with a clear and strong picture. It is evident that our students in the classroom are able to express themselves orally and are unable to do the same in writing. The use of showing sentences though may seem simple, can be a great start to enable students to express themselves properly and vividly when writing a story


Attached below is a link to a document by Bella Rose Pope (2019) which I found very interesting in getting a clear understanding of showing sentences. The document provides tips on how to "show, don't tell" in writing, definition, examples, importance and practical activities of showing sentences. 

Show, Don’t Tell: How to Show Not Tell in Writing With Exercises 

An Abandoned House 'An Abandoned House' is a descriptive piece which prov...