Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Power of Description!!!! -Descriptive Writing



In the middle of nowhere, I stumbled upon this antiquated, wooden building, which stood out like a sore thumb upon the hill.  Its narrow wooden steps, with rotted and missing tredders, beckoned to me ominously.  As I gingerly ascended the steps, the floor boards moaned loudly from the unaccustomed weight. Fearing for my life, I quickly grabbed unto the fragile rails...

What was it like reading the introduction to my descriptive piece? 
Did you feel like you were apart of the scene.?

This is what descriptive writing does. It paints a picture with words. Descriptive writing is one which I enjoy as I am able to direct the minds of readers. Also, with the use of sensory details , readers get a vivid picture of my story. 


Take-aways from my descriptive writing experience: 

  • Choose a topic that you are comfortable with as this will allow you to provide enough information on the topic. 
  • Create an outline about what is it you are going to focus on in your piece of writing. 
  • Always use sensory details. 


My experience at T.A Marryshow Community College has opened my eyes to the reality that as a teacher, I must allow my students to give off their best in their writing. Descriptive writing involves  sensory details and as a result I must provide avenues to get such from my students. A very useful method used by my lecturer was a journey in our minds of what the different rooms of an abandoned building looks like. An excellent way of preparing us for our descriptive piece. I intend to adopt this because it helps students to visualize a scene even if they did not have much knowledge about the scene. Very useful indeed to facilitate writing. Likewise, what was useful for me was the use of the internet to look at pictures of different rooms of an abandoned building. The two above mentioned strategies will be practical for my students as well because it will provide background knowledge on the topic chosen. Again and again, I am anxious to get back into the classroom to apply what was learnt.

This anchor chart provides descriptive words for students as they write.

Here is a link to Reading Rockets ( This link provides a comprehensive report on descriptive writing. It provides information on what descriptive writing entails, its importance, how to teach descriptive writing, the use of a graphic organiser to write a descriptive piece, a writer's workshop with a group of students , differentiated instructions to assist second language learners as well as children books containing descriptive writing.

Check out this link you will not regret it!!!

Descriptive Writing, Painting a Picture with Words!!!

Thesis Statement, the road map of any academic paper!!!!!!!


One may ask, "What is a thesis?". 
A thesis in simple terms is the essence of your writing. It tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper and is found mainly in the last line of the first paragraph. I can recall writing my first essay on entering Teachers College and was asked to include my thesis. It was not smooth sailing for me at first but eventually I was able to manage with proper scaffolding. It was then I realised the usefulness of  a thesis statement.  Again, during LIT 102 classes, the use of a thesis statement was very instrumental in my persuasive writing. Going forward, I have decide at all times to include a thesis when writing because it allows my writing to be organised.  All in all, a thesis statement in any academic paper brings about unity in my writing. Like a road map it gives clear directions to your destination. 

The link below gives a clear understanding of a thesis statement.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

6+1 Writing Traits

Writing is a very complex process. I often ask myself how did writing specialists came up with these rules, formats and processes for writing. The writing traits for example is an aspect that had me thinking for some time. I said to myself, "Lecturers do not understand that getting students to write a line or paragraph is hard work much less to get them to focus on the various traits of writing". Thereafter, I said to myself, Keida just relax and understand the components of the writing traits. Eventually, I realized that I placed emphasis of most of the traits in the past as I taught students. The areas of the writing traits may seem plentiful, however it is very effective in producing quality writing. "Voice" which is one of the 6 + 1 writing traits, stood out to me most. As the traits were introduced, I wondered why voice is an important aspect of writing. It was only after, my lecturer delved deep and explained the effectiveness of "voice" along with the use of a story, I was able to make the connections. This is one of my struggles as an individual. Due to a lack of knowledge of the importance of "voice", my voice was lost most times in my writing. With this new found knowledge, I am encouraged to make my voice come alive in my writing because I noticed that this makes a huge difference. Incorporating my voice in writing is one of my goals as I move forward. Indeed, it is one sure way by which through practice, I will be comfortable in modelling to my students the importance of "Voice" in their writing pieces.

            ðŸ’­I am excited to hear which one of the traits stood out to you most. 💭

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Stages of Writing Development- Emergent Writers

Have you ever wondered how a simple scratch can later be refined into words? It is amazing how the stages of writing come together. I heard many times in the past, parents complaining about their child drawing all over the house. To some extent some of these children would be scolded for doing so. Unbelievable, I myself could not understand why children especially at the emergent stage loves scribbling or drawings. The newly found knowledge presently during my studies allowed me to unravel many questions about students as they move through the stages of writing. Knowledge is indeed powerful!!!

This knowledge has lead to my understanding, where I allowed my son (emergent writer) to practice writing without getting annoyed. Thus far, I started observing his growth, as he is able to draw and provide me with a detailed story of his drawing. On observing such growth, I am motivated to read to him as often as possible from a variety of genres so that his language can develop and as a result transfer it into his writing.

An Abandoned House 'An Abandoned House' is a descriptive piece which prov...